Formspring search: Gunnerkrigg Court

367 matches for jones.

I'm sure you won't answer it until the next page comes out (or two pages, or whenever that "thing" appears), but I'll ask for the sake of calling it now: is that big stone hand giving Annie that stick Jones' true form (or at least another form)?

I'm not sure I understand this question.

Is Jones going to come subdue Ysengrin now? That would be cool

We shall see

Does Jones still have her party hat?

Of course.

so, is miss"wandering eye" Jones an eye of coyote that saw reason?

No, she is not.

Is the next chapter going to be a Jones chapter?


What does Jones look like in the Ether?

We shall see

At least Jones isn't a whispering eye! Amirite? Amirite?

Are you?

What sort of hair-care regimen does Jones have?

She washes it when she cleans herself.

Is Jones human?

We shall see

When birthdays come up, how do Annie and Kat celebrate them? Does anyone else give gifts like Rey, Robot, Parley, or Jones?

They celebrate them in usual ways, though Annie tends to keep hers quiet.

Will we ever truly find out what Zimmy is? Or what her condition is?

She is Zimmy. Jones talked about her condition in Chapter 28

A question below about roles in the court passing down made me think: Is Jones in any way related to Jeanne (in a family sense)? Do/did they have similar roles at the court?

Nope, she is not related in any way

WIll you, at some point, explain to the readers what Jones is in the story?


Is Jones some sort of golem?

We shall see

You haven't told us what Jones is, but you did just tell us what Jones is to Annie, didn't you? Well played.


so is the mask sort of what Antimony uses to hide her secrets? (hiding a romance with Kamlen from Jones, hiding from Kat that's she's cheating off her)


Would you call Jones a morally strong individual?

We shall see

When asked whether Jones is a creature from another mythology you said you invented her. Is she a variation of an existing mythological creature not seen before (much like Rogat Orjak is a rare Dragon) or is she a whole new creature from your mind-space?


Which characters, if any, would you like to take with you to a new comic?

Jones, Zimmy and Gamma seem most likely, since they all came from other comic ideas.

Which characters, if any, would you like to incorporate in a future comic?

A bunch, namely ones like Paz, Zimmy/Gamma, some of the fairies/ex-animals, the parents when they were younger, Jones, Jan and Cookie Monster, and any others that I feel would make interesting stories.

Will the "Jones: Not a Robot" T-Shirt ever become reality? Because I would buy the hell out of it if it did.

Hmm, I'm not sure.

Do the higher-ups of the Court recognize the fact that Jones has no real dedication to the Court and remains relatively neutral?

We shall see.

Jones versus Ysengrin. Hypothetical battle on the bridge over the Annan Waters. Who would win?

This situation has not happened.

Is Jones capable of showing emotion, and simply chooses not too? Or is she an emotional void?

We shall see

Can I just say that I love the way you draw people holding things? I started really appreciating it at the beginning of last chapter, when Jones is examining Shadow's face, and again with Annie holding Jones's phone. It's jumped out to me ever since.

That's cool. I try to pay attention to hands and all

Who would win in a hypothetical swordfight between them: alive-Jeanne or Jones?

This has not happened.

Annie's parents knew Jones when they were Annie's age. Was Jones appearance the same as she is now, or did she appear as a child?

We have not seen her at that point.

you're lying! I know for a fact that Jones is the combination of Brinnie and Tony sent from the future to save the world! it's like DBZ, but with time travel! and maybe Gamma is also from the future, and she's their daughter.

Nope, sorry.

Did Jones know Jeanne?


Are Jones and Anthony related?


How rare is it for Jones to draw incorrect assumptions?

it happens sometimes, but less-so these days.

Is Jones and Brunhilde related in some sort of way?


Are Brinnie and Jones related then? :P


Is Jones Anthony?


Are Brinnie and Jones the same person?

Nope, they are two completely separate characters.

Does Jones have an ulterior motive in training Parley (parlez?) and Smitty, if it's so certain (if it is indeed certain) that Antimony will be the next medium?

We shall have to see.

Would Annie or Kat read Gunnerkrigg Court if they could? Would Jones? OK, well, never mind about Jones...

Kat would read it. I don't think Annie would get along well with comics in general but she might find it interesting.

What does Jones think of Anthony? If her current feelings are spoiler-ish, then what did she think of him when he was a student?

They are the same as they are now.

I'm still waiting for the "Jones: Not a Robot" shirt.

I see!

Did Dr.Disaster give Jones that bag of sweets in her drawer? (the ones she gave to shadow)

Nah, someone else did.

Do the others at the court know that Jones is the "Wandering Eye"? Specifically Elgamore and Kat's Parents?

Yeah they know Coyote calls her that sometimes

"These should still be in date" - does this line imply that Jones doesn't need to eat?

It implies that the bag of sweets have been in her drawer for a while.

Tom, if you don't reveal how Annie's talk with her dad went the next chapter, I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU. You STILL havn't detailed Annie's exploits during summer or revealed Jones's nature. There's only so much teasing we can take, dammit!

The talk she had with her dad on the phone is the main focus of Chapter 37

Does Jones herself understand what she is any better than others do? (Might sound silly, but I could see it not being the case. Like trying to understand being Tigger when he's the only one.)

We shall have to see

does Annie think of Jones as a surrogate mother?

Not really

I can never get good reception when I'm in Foley. What type of cell service does Jones have?

I see!

Does Dr. Disaster know what Jones is?

As much as anyone

If it's not a spoiler, what exactly does Jonesy do for the Court? And totally unrelated to anything else, how old was Diego when he died?

Jones does various things!

Does Jones wish she could emote like other people?

Someone will have to ask her

Could Jones really have taken Annie out of the forest against Coyote's will? The whole time-stopping thing seems to suggest otherwise.

Well we didn't get to see in that situation, becuase Annie interrupted.

Dear Lord, Tom. Today I learned not to check your comic at work when I nearly laughed out loud at the idea of Jones saying "Their culture is full of jabronis." But, in all sincerity, thank you so much for a wonderful comic and story arc.

Thanks :]

Would a diligent enough reader be able to figure out what Jones is, or is she something of your own invention?

Nah, she is my own invention

If it's not a spoiler, are Jones and Anthony related in any way? (I get the feeling this has been asked before.)

Nope they are not related in any way, shape or form

Is it possible for a normal human to kill / seriously harm Jones?

Maybe we shall see

Apropos of nothing, an article worth clicking on the 'listen' button to. I'm watching one of these amazing 180s irl. Anyway, i got nothin. Is Jones a pastry?


Does Jones ever get hot or cold or uncomfortable from any changes in temperature?

She didn't seem to mind being wet that one time.

Does Jones put much thought into her appearance or does she just wear the sort of clothing someone in her position is expected to wear?

She does put thought into her appearance.

I think this was asked before, but you since you didn't answer specifically: Does Dr. Disaster know what Jones is?

He knows as much as anyone

Is there a relation with Jones and those tic-toc birds?


Is Jones a Robot?


What book we're allowed to know about has Jones found to be the most useful or important she's read so far?

she has read many many books.

Did Annie tell Kat what she knows about Jones?


Is Jones capable of feeling happy? Any emotion at all?

we shall have to see

Does Jones have a favorite anything?

It's complicated

wait... if Jones has no favorite book, does that mean she doesn't read books?

She has read many books.

What's Jones's favourite book any why?

She does not have one.

I had thought that the etheric-looking lines & dots like in the #830s were beings drawn abstractly, but the same things in #982 look like mobiles. What are they, are those of the 830s different than 982's, & can Jones see them (& Kat if she were there)?

They are just decorations hanging from the trees. Jones can see them fine, as clearly as you might see a Christmas decoration hanging on a tree.

Is Jones actually the Doctor?


If Antimony asked Jones what she was, would she lie?

she might, but most likely not.

Most of the characters seem to just call her "Jones," so do people even think of her as having a first name? In other words, does anybody who knows her call her "Ms. Jones" and think that "Jones" is just a surname?

No, her name is just Jones

Does Dr. Disaster know what Jones is? Do all of the teachers at the Court know what she is? Does knowing what Jones is have anything to do with being in a position of (relative) power? Who told Smitty, Parley, and Eglamore?


This may have already been asked, but does Jones have any sort of etheric presence? We already know she can't use a blinker stone, so would she just appear gray in the ether?

We shall have to see

This has probably been asked but will you ever show us (the audience) what Annie's life in the forest was like? On a different note, will we ever know what Jones is or will you just keep that information to yourself until we all go mad?

We shall have to see

Mr. Siddell, thank you for the lovely comic! I was wondering, assuming you could get both of them to participate, between Eglamore and Jones, who would win a pie eating contest? A chess match? Scrabble? Billiards? Spelling bee? Bowling? Yodeling contest?

Eglamore Jones Jones Jones Jones Eglamore Eglamore

Does Jones eat?

We have not seen ehr eating in the comic yet

What was up with the inside-out Jones questions? Is this a meme that I missed? I...I'm just confused. Feel free to ignore this if it was just some random guy.

It's the Internet

If Jones' origins and nature are not a major plot point, then why have you created such a major build up to it? Aren't you worried that readers might be disappointed by then?

Everyone is disappointed by everything all the time.

Is Jones' nature relevant to the plot of the story, or is it more of an interesting side note?

Her origins are not a major plot point

Is Coyote's name for Jones "Wandering Eye" a reference or allusion to any sort of mythology? (I.E. Chang'e is a reference to the Chinese Goddess of the Moon) If so what culture?

No, it's a name I made up for the comic. It's not a reference to existing mythology.

Can Jones turn inside-out?


Is Jones your perfect woman?


So Jones has more admirers? It would make sense. She is a pretty lady.

Yes she is.

Is jones originally from the forest too?


Does any of Jones' admirers know what kind of being she is?

Some of them

Annie is calling Jones just Jones instead of Ms Jones. Is that because of what she learned in the forest?


Does Jones have multiple admirers?


Who would win in a fight: Jones, or Ysengrin?

Depends on the winning conditions.

Does Jones have emotions? If so, does she ever act on the emotions or does she treat everyone the same regardless of her opinion of them?

We shall see

Is it Randy that gave Jones the sweets?

No. It's not really very important who gave them to her.

What does Jones like to eat then if not sweets?

She has not said

Hey Tom! Today is my birthday, but I have to spend it away from my family. So, while maybe I'm just being desperate, I consider today's page featuring my favorite character (Jones) to be a nice birthday gift. Thanks for another year of an awesome comic!

No worries. Happy birthday.

Who gave Jones the pack of sweets?

An admirer that didn't know she does not eat sweets.

Does Jones require any form of sustenance?

It has not been mentioned.

Is it Randy that gave Jones the sweets? Also, does Shadow have a mouth or does he absorb the candy into his face where a mouth would normally be? Cause that would be pretty cool, I think.

Nah, he has a mouth. He has basically human physiology now.

why does annie and friends keep lying to Jones while asking her for help? She always seems to be the first person they run to for help but they always lie about the circumstances behind why they need the help. They don't need to explain all but why lie?

Annie seems to find it easy to lie

Did Jones maybe spot Annie concealing her bind?

She might have. Or she might not have. She would not mention it unless asked.

Was Annie upset that she had to go a few weeks without makeup while in the woods?

She didn't. Jones brought her some.

Good choice on Jones's red shirt. It really pops of the page. She is apparently quite stylish.

She keeps things in mind

If you make stickers, do you think you might also make one of the "Jones: Not a robot" doodle you put on the site a while ago? I know you don't intend to make an actual shirt of it, but I'd like a chance to somehow endorse that image with my cash!

Sure, I'd do that as a sticker also.

Could anybody find out what Jones is based on mythology or clues in the comic, or is her nature mostly your invention?

She's all mine.

There seems to be a great physical resemblance between Jeanne (when she was alive) and Jones. Is there a family relation between the two? And more importantly, are you willing to elaborate on any connection here, or would that be considered a spoiler?

There is no relation whatsoever

Are Dr Disaster and Jones dating?


With Parley's friends, I noticed the blonde girl (Jan?) sort of carries a "Jones: The Prequel" air. Not in a sense of mystery, but the amount of detail in her face, her deadpan snarking, and that "seen it all, too bored to care" look. What's up with that?

It's just how I designed her. I wanted her to seem like a cool older girl

I know it was just a gag in a comment, but would you ever seriously consider making that JONES: NOT A ROBOT shirt? I would buy it in a heartbeat, and I know people who would also appreciate it. Regardless, thanks for creating this beautiful comic. :D

I don't think it should be a shirt. It's probably only worth being a sticker or something like that, really.

For how long has Smitty and Parley trained to be the court's medium? Is the medium training the way they met?

They were taking classes with Jones for a few months or so before Annie joined.

Does everyone else in the GC universe believe Jones is a robot? Or is that just a joke amoung the fans?

Nobody in the comic thinks she is a robot.

I think you should write about the Court's gossip rag, SLANDEROUS LIES. (They make ridiculous claims about Jones being a robot.) Also, I have it on good authority that you're slightly better at most things than you admit. For instance, life. And comics.

There is no such publication in the Court.

Is the "wandering eye" some kind of spirit that passes from host to host, that also grants the host some kind of strange supernatural powers?

I won't be listing all the things that Jones isn't.

Has Jones ever been in love?

That'll be covered in the comic at some point.

"because indoors, and at close range, Jones would flatten me." Is this to imply the two would be more evenly matched in a.... you know what, forget it. You're just gonna blow this off like every other question.


Did Ysengrin teach Jones how to be strong and control her feelings etc.?


Are you sure Jones isn't Android 17?

Yes. Android 17 is male, for a start.

How many parsecs could Jones do the Kessle Run?


Which of your characters has the best taste?


Is Jones on the same power tier as Coyote?


If you had to divide the characters into tiers of power, would Eglamore be on the same tier as Jones?


Which character do you think would deal the best with realizing they were a comic book character?


Jones IS human, right?

Remains to be seen

When Jones was wearing a party hat for, did she interact with other pepole? That would have made a great bonus chapter.

She went about her usual business that day, which involves talking to many people. She saw no reason to remove the hat.

Does Jones ever feel the urge to fight, or is it easy for her to limit her use of her amazing fighting abilities to when it's required?


Can Jones have children?

It has not been brought up

So Eglamore has a thing for both Surma AND Jones? (Even though Surma is deceased...)

Remains to be seen

Does Jones like Christmas?

she is indifferent to it

Why doesn't Antimony ever go to Jones with her issues with the court (or in this case its staff)? She knows Jones doesn't seem to take sides, and will probably be more simpathetic than Coyote and definitely more simpathetic than Ysengrin.

She doesn't know

Would the relationship between Parley and Andrew have been able to reach this point if it weren't for Jones' intervention?

They would not have hung around each other if it were not for the medium classes

Had Surma been jealous of Jones?

Remains to be seen

Dear Tom, is Jones a golem?


Is Jones human?

remains to be seen

Is the Jones mentioned in Ties the same Jones?


Did Jones train Surma to become a medium?


Jones strikes me as someone who would like Lady Gaga. Because she has quite the poker face.


Could Jones be a Rogat Orjak in human form?


You've said before that you have a general idea for the characters you create (ex. Jones is mysterious, Parley's headstrong). What do you think of for Annie?

I don't remember saying that.

If Jones is so neutral, why can't she be everyone's medium?

Remains to be seen

Did Surma dislike Jones because she was too quiet or drone-like? Or is it for another reason entirely?

a different reason

Is Brinnie in any way related to Jones?


Is Jones based on a mythical creature?

remains to be seen

Are we ever going to find out what Jones is?

possibly when it's mentioned in the comic

In comic 365, Is that Dr Disaster chatting up Ms Jones?


Does anyone other than Annie, Kat, Zimmy, Gamma, Jones, and Rey know what happened to Jack?


Is there a relationship between Jeanne's sword cutting Annie's cheek and Eglamore's sword failing to cut Jones's cheek?


Why did Surma not like Jones?

Remains to be seen

Does Jones genuinely care for the well being of others?

Remains to be seen

What is Jones' position at the court? Could whoever doesn't become medium take over that position instead?

remains to be seen

If Parley and Smitty already know why the sword bounced off of Jones, why doesn't Annie just ask them? Or Renard?

She tried asking Renard

Does Jones enjoy movies?

She is interested in watching them

Hypothetically, could Jones withstand being run over by a lorry if that happened in the comic?

That has not happened in the comic

Any chance of getting that Jones Is Not A Robot picture on a shirt or print? I would pay cash money for that

maybe as a sticker

Was Jones always so seemingly apathetic to everything?

remains to be seen

Does Jones care about anything at all, or does that remain to be seen?

remains to be seen

Could Jones withstand the blast from a 1.2-megaton thermonuclear weapon if she were standing at ground zero at the time of detonation?

that has not happened in the comic

does Jones have any family relatives?

remains to be seen

Does Jones play matchmaker often?


Does Jones appreciate the value of love?

remains to be seen

I suggest that Patley-Smitty-teleport-aim-partyhat questions should join Rey-body-swapping questions in the naughty room...Jones+party hat=cool, btw.

I see

Who could take Jones in a fight?


Does it remain to be seen why Jones is taking a personal interest in Parley and Smitty's relationship?

I guess

So, Smitty took care of the positioning of Jones' hat. Does that mean that it is the natural order of things for Jones to be wearing a party hat? (If so, that is strangely awesome.)

no. They just wanted to teleport near jones, smitty took care of the rest

Was Andrew reluctant to help put a party hat on Jones?

not really

Jones and Anthony are actually the same person! y/y?


It looks like Jones noticed the hat some time after it was placed on her head. Did she not hear the "Bip" from Parley's teleportation?

They were in and out quickly

You say Jones saw no reason to remove the party hat, but how did she know it was a party hat without first taking it off to look at it? Did she take it off but then put it back on?

The power of comics.

Did Jones just not care about the hat, or did she appreciate the joke enough to think it was funnier to leave it on? Either way, it was a hilarious piece of characterization that she left it.

She just saw no reason to remove it.

Is there a connection between Jones and tic-tocs?


What does Jones do in her free time, i.e., when she isn't working, eating or sleeping?

She observes

Is Jones human, or have any human ancestry? Has anyone ever asked you if she was human before?

Yes, many people have asked

Can Parley teleport things to somewhere else without teleporting herself? I wonder whether she put the hat on Jones head by teleporting in and out very fast, or just teleporting the hat by itself from somewhere else.

She and Smitty teleported in and out quickly. Smits took care of the positioning

In the latest bonus page is Jones holding a fountain pen?


Is that a pair of wedding rings on Jones' table in today's bonus page?

no, they are coins

Is there a specific reason why Jones wanted Andrew and Parley to get together?

remains to be seen

Is the artilleryman actually important to the plot, or is he just some guy that Jones got interrupted while talking about?


Is Jones telekinetic?


What is Anthony's opinion of Jones? Thank you!

It has not been shown yet

Will the characters Mort, Coyote, or Jones be appearing soon?


How much does Jones weigh?

An amount

Will Jones true nature be revealed or hinted at within the next 3 chapters?


I'll probably look like an idiot for not understanding this, but when Eglamore is helping Annie with her tie and Jones says not to undress her, why is Eglamore embarassed and Annie annoyed?

Because he was removing her tie without asking her first

Did Jones avoided to answer Annies questions about her because she didn't want to answer or because she thought it wasn't the time to answer them?


Is Jones about the same age as the Donlans?

It would appear that she is younger

Did Jones ever train to be a medium?


Why did Jones say to Eglamore to watch himself after their quickie duel?

To warn him

What does Annie think of Reynardine playing with toys? And will you be covering what made Jones such an ultra-strong woman in the future?


Did Surma have classes with Jones?


Has Jones ever purposely lied to the Court?


Does Rey know what Jones is?

As much as other people do

How do Jones and Zimmy know each other?

remains to be seen

How did Reynard meet Jones?

He said "Hello" and then she said "Hello"

Has Jones ever been to the Woods?


I found another t-shirt you promised us! Page 604: Laser cows. And there was that Jones one. When will you be providing these neat designs you've come up with?

I hope to make some new designs soon

Jones said that Zimmy was brought to the Court for research. Is research still being done on her?


Is Jones just Jones? Nothing more, nothing less?

She is Jones

Why does Eglamore have an advantage over Jones outdoors and at a longer range?

he never said that

Looking back on Jones's sparring match with Eglamore, is she able to move faster than an average person?

Not really no

Could Jones be a golem?

could be

Did Jones know anything about Jeanne before Annie asked about her? Did she previously investigate her?


If Jones and Jeanne fought, who would win?


Why didn't Surma like Jones?

Remains to be seen

Did Jones take offense at Annie's assumption that she was a robot?


Can Jones see the ether?


Who would win in a fight between Jeanne and Jones?


Who would win in a fight between Coyote and Jones?


Why did Surma not like Jones?

Remains to be seen

You said Jones tried to investigate Jeanne after Annie mentioned her. Did Jones succeed?

Remains to be seen

Does Jones ever sleep?

Remains to be seen

Is Jones a robot? O_o

She said she isn't

In the flashback chapter, when James mentions Jones after taking the picture, is she supposed to be a student too? Meaning, did she look like a child back then?

She is Jones

Is Jones terrible?

I don't think she is. It's your opinion, however.

Is Jones... Luke's mother?


Is Jones a personification of lead? Is that why she sinks? WIth lead being a soft metal, does that explain her sword-dodging? Does lead have its traditional anti-magic properties in the Gunnerkrigg universe?


Is Jones really Muut, or vice-versa?


Is Jones somehow related to Anthony? I mean, does she have more in common withh him than with, say, Donny?


Hello, Tom! I'm a fan from Brazil, and yesterday I saw the most amazing thing: remember that "Jones: Not A Robot" shirt joke you made? I saw someone wearing it as an actual shirt! It's a bummer I didn't have a camera with me... thank you for the comic.


Will we see what Jones meant when she said Ysengrin is "drawing closer the brink of insanity"? He seems ok so far to me.


Also, is Jones a dragon? (sorry...)


Is Jones lonely, or does she prefer to be left alone?

Remains to be seen

Does Jones know she's actually a character in a comic?


Has Annie ever used her blinker stone to look at Jones?

Not in the comic

Does Jones like pigeons?

As much as anything else.

Does Jones have a blinker stone?


When Parley touched Antimony she saw what Annie saw in the ether. If anyone else touched Antimony while Antimony was in the ether, would they do that too? Could Jones see with the stone if SHE was touching Antimony though Jones can't use it usually?

No, Jones wouldn't have seen anything. Neither would most people

Is Jones jealous of Annie because she likes James and thinks that Annie reminds James of Surma?


Is there a specified point at which the medium gets chosen, or is it whenever Jones feels it's time?

When the Court decides

What other things does Jones teach?

Many things

Would Jeanne pose a threat to Jones?

Remains to be seen

Who would win in a fight, Jones or Ysengrin?

Depends on the term "win"

Are Annie's detentions normal detentions, or did Jones have something else planned for her in the way of punishment?

Jones was getting her to do some extra work.

Is Jones a human?


Does Jones write sexy fanfiction? I can totally see Jones writing fanfiction.


Is Jones a Golem, or an Elemental? The weight, the connection to the spiritual world, the neutrality...


Is Jones secretly trying to get Parley and Smitty together? Is she like a possibly-robot matchmaker from THE FUTURE, making them breed to prevent armageddon? Is the sequel to Gunnerkrigg going to be a bit like Terminator?


What is Jones' opinion of the head of the Court?

She is indifferent to him but understands his position

Um, i would totally buy that "jones = not a robot" shirt.


Does everyone in the Court die in a huge nuclear explosion at the end except Jones and Boxbot? Oh my gosh, did I just figure out the ending?!


Who would win in a footrace: Ysengrin, Reynardine, or Jones?

Currently: Ysengrin.

is jones a descendant of jeanne?


Did Jones want to see the movie with Disaster, or did she just do it to make him happy? these are both things she wouldnt do though..argh, my BRAIN.

She considers Randy a friend, and so is not averse to spending time with him.

Can Jones be killed using conventional/non-etheric means?

Let me see

In Terror Castle of the Moon Martians after her pointing out him and Jones. Does he actually think she might be jealous or does he just want to annoy her?

He was just joking

did eglamore ever have a thing for jones? if so, why did he discontinue his feelings?

Remains to be seen

Lots of artists draw women as ridiculously sexualized, especially with ridiculous poses and clothes. I like that you can draw attractive women without doing this. Not that I'm attracted to drawings, but I would describe, say, Jones as pretty.

Thank you

Would you say that Coyote and Jones represent two different extremes of chaos and order?

It could be seen that way yes

Is everyone in the gunnerverse in agreement that boxbot is terrible?

Jones is indifferent to him.

has jones met coyote in person?


So Jones ages normally?

Everything ages normally.

Is it significant that Jones left out Ysengrin when she was explaining to Annie how Zimmy was in tune with the ether like Rey and Coyote?


In the chapter Ties, the gang mention Jones and wonder why she wasn't in it. Was jones their age or does she ages differently?


Can Jones actually experience emotions?

We'll know if we see her cry

If Jones and Coyote got into a fight, who would win?


Does Jones actually like or dislike anything or is she impartial/indifferent about everything?

The understand that certain things have more value than others and sometimes those values are subjective.

does jones like pizza at all?

she is indifferent to it

So it's like a 100% chance that you'll hook up with someone then? And you just don't want to brag about the groupies? If an attractive girl cosplays as Jones, you're inviting her for some dinner right?

I just want to meet people who have read my comic.

Would Jones have been as forthcoming about the food tracking dealies to other students as she was to Annie? And are Medium candidates in general more privy to information about the Court than others?


So is Annie in trouble now? I thought Jones got her off the hook? Did that demon robot lady go back on her word!

Jones didn't say anything about Annie not being in trouble.

Could Jones experience love?

Remains to be seen

Jones vs Jeanne's spirit, who would win a dance contest? Would we all lose?


Of all the "superpowers" displayed thus far in the comic, which one would you want for yourself?


Was Eglamore just kidding himself when he implied he would stand a chance against Jones if the fight hadn't been indoors and close range?

He was just saying what would happen indoors and at close range.

Rip-off, sir. What's Jones's guilty pleasure?

What's a rip off?

When Kat said she'd beat Jones for Eglamore, would she stand any chance (maybe using mechanical aids)?


Jones seems to have been on friendly terms with Eglamore and not hostile ones with Donald and Anja (compared to Surma) since at least the time in Ties, but is conspicuously absent from Kat's life. Remains to be seen???

It would appear so!

How long can ms. jones hold her breath underwater? If she even needs to breathe at all, that is.

A long time

Hi! I have a question; which character from gunnerkrigg has been around the longest? You mentioned once on the forums that Gamma and Zimmy were created before GC so it got me thinking. Thanks!

It's either Zimmy or Jones.

did jones attend gc?

She has been to Gunnerkrigg before, yes.

other than eglamore, who at the court would have a chance at beating jones in a fight?

Who said Eglamore had a chance?

When you are able to do more shirts will you take any requests from your readers into consideration? Perhaps a poll? It seems like a lot of us are keen on that Jones one.

I might do a poll. The Jones shirt was just a joke thing though.

What's the weirdest thing you've found youself trying to work out in order to get little details right? (Like "How much would concrete crack if Jones scraped her hand through it?")

Well I had to research how a cow stands up from lying down for the Laser Cows.

Is that rain from the power plant? Or did Jones's security crew shut down whatever Jack started there?

Remains to be seen

Do you like adding bright-colored things to otherwise muted color schemes? I mean things like Jones' scarf-thing, Annie's scrunchy and buttons in Spring-Heeled, etc.

It can be effective

Which page of Gunnerkrigg Court is your favourite?

Probably one of the Coyote pages. If not then the one with Jones putting her hand through the wall.

Does Jones have to be very careful with her strength?


Why didn't Surma like Jones?

Remains to be seen

If Annie asks Jones a direct question, does Jones have to answer it?

Absolutely not

Can Jones eat or sleep? Is it necessary for her to have those needs?

Remains to be seen

Are any of the adults aware of Annie's ability to see the psychopomps?

Some of them are, yes. Jones, the Donlans, Eglamore, some other teachers and higher ups, etc.

Does Jones (or anyone) have a way to follow what's happening in Birmingham?

Jones is on the other side of the door right now, so no.

A while ago, you said on Twitter that you just finished a really awesome page that you couldn't wait to get online. How far away are we from that page? I kinda lost track.

It was probably the page where Jones puts her hand through the wall. If not then it's not online yet, I can't remember when I said it.

Was Jones at the power station all along? As in, before the boat people got there?

No, she arrived on the boat

What is Jones' most favorite thing?


In pages 371-375, what is the chair that Jones sits on made of?

Chair material

Is Jones, Jeane's psychopomp?


How old is Jones?

That remains to be seen

Is Jones' body made of something other than flesh & blood?

It would appear that way

Do any other characters actually know what Jones is, and if so who? Like, does Renard know? Or the headmaster? Or Mr. Eglamore?

Remains to be seen

Does Jones not swim because she'd sink due to being far heavier than she looks?


Is Jones just really good at controlling her display of emotion, or is she actually devoid of emotion entirely? Or is that a question that you can't answer yet?

Remains to be seen.

What other things does Jones teach?

lots of stuff

Was there a reason as to why Jones was wearing such a colorful neckerchief in that one chapter?

She wanted to wear it that day

How long were the characters for GC in your head before you started the comic? Zimmy and Gamma particularly, since I remember seeing them on your DA before GC started.

Zimmy and Gamma had been around for a few years before starting the comic. So had Jones. All the others were made for the comic, though.

So, is Jones' full name really "Jones"?

Just asking questions over and over?

On chapter 17 Annie asks about the long time the court had no mediums, and Jones slips away... will the story go back to the reason things have been so quiet?


So, is Jones' full name really "Jones"?

Just asking questions over and over?

So, is Jones' full name really "Jones"?

Just asking questions over and over?

So, is Jones' full name really "Jones"?

Just asking questions over and over?

Does Jones wish she could use a blinker stone or does she not care?

She understands that she is not able to use it.

Is Jones something like Coyote, as in an ethereal being of some sort working for the court. And is that the reason why she, being bound by the treaties betwixt the court and the wood, can't be the medium?

Remains to be seen.

Does Jones have any children?


If you COULD talk to your characters, who do you think would give you the best conversation?


Why is Annie angry when Jones comments on Eglamore taking her tie off? It seems like he'd have more reason to be offended than she would.

She was angry with Eglamore.

Is Jones older than she looks?

How old does she look?

You said Jones never went to school at Gunnerkrigg Court. Then how do you explain this second panel?

I explain it as a plot point.

Did Jones go to school at Gunnerkrigg Court? If so, what house was she in?

No she didn't.

Who has been longer at the Court, the headmaster or Jones?

The headmaster has spent more of his life at the Court than Jones has.

If you prick Jones, does she not bleed?

Someone would have to prick her first to see.

What character is the most difficult to write, and why?

Jones, maybe. There are a lot of things I need to keep in mind when I have her doing stuff.

How old are the characters of Zimmy and Gamma (and Jones)? I mean how long ago did you come up with them?

Dunno really. I think maybe around 10 years ago now.

"Annie came first before everything." Even Zimmy? When did she figure in?

I made Zimmy and Gamma a long time ago (and Jones, actually), but they came long before Gunnerkrigg. Annie was the first character I drew from the comic and I wanted to add Zimmy later.

Any chance of finding out if Jones & Disaster had a good date?

It was good, just as is usually is. They catch a movie together when they get the chance.

Some authors intend for their characters to be seen the way the author sees them, and some like to leave it up to the reader to make their own conclusions about the characters. Which would you say you are?

I like to have characters with a specific feel in my ind, even if it isn't obvious from the start. Jones is mysterious, Parley is headstrong, and stuff like that, but I also want the reader to get their own feel for the characters.

I have recently encountered a ficitonal instance of a non-human being in human form having exactly NO smell - not even according to the resident talking dog, with his excellent sense of smell. Is Jones' complete lack of an accent comparable to this?

I suppose that is analogous, yes.

Did Annie truly think Jones was a robot?


Do the other mediums-in-training know why the blade bounced off Jones' face? Does Eglamore?


What else does Jones teach besides medium lessons?

Anything she is required and has time for.

How big a production is it for the Court when Annie decides to enter Gilitie?

It's not such a big deal if she is just going over. Jones usually sorts it all out and Eglamore takes her over.

Are you surprised by how curious everyone is about Jones and her nature? There seem to be a lot of questions about her here even though she hasn't appeared in a little while.

She is a curious character. It's what I was hoping for.

Jones told Annie to inform her of who Jeanne was, once she had figured out the whole story. Has she done that, yet?

No. but then Annie doesn't feel she's resolved the issue.

Did Jones try to investigate Jeanne after Annie mentioned her?


Do Parley and Smitty know more about The Nature of Jones than Annie does?

Kind of yeah.

If Jones is qualified to teach the kids medium lessons, then why wasn't she chosen to replace Surma in the first place?

That remains to be seen.

Have Coyote and Jones ever had a conversation?


Why did Jones want Rey to see the hollographic simulation of that meeting? Was that a sneaky way of getting to know how much he knew?

She thought it might be interesting for him to see, and maybe to share any insight from that time.

Does the Headmaster trust Jones?

Begrudgingly, yes.

Have you seen "Big O"? It's Anime that doesn't suck and there is a character similar to Jones (Or Annie, sometimes) in demeanor. Here's a URL to the first episode, which would give you an idea of how good it is.

Never seen it.

Does JONES know what Jones is?

That remains to be seen.

Does anyone in the Court besides Jones know what Jones is?

That remains to be seen.

It may be a spoiler (or may have been answered already), but I'm pretty sure that Jones is not devoided of emotions. Am I right?

That remains to be seen.

Is Jones capable of crying?

That remains to be seen.

Which character would you trust with an important secret?


Your bonus pages abound with entertaining personal quirks, such as Jones' taste in movies or Kat's preferences in fictional men. Can you share with us another interesting character trait that does not really qualify for placement in the plot proper?

There are more videogame on-offs with Annie and Kat I'd like to do that don't really fit into the comic.

It's been revealed that Coyote probably wouldn't know what Jones is. But would he know what's wrong with Zimmy?

Yeah, he would.

Who would win in a fight between Jones and Surma (before she became ill)?

Jones. But then Surma wasn't a fighter.

Did Jones notice than Annie was cheating off Kat's paper in Chapter 17?


Who is more powerful, Coyote or Jones?


How much of what Coyote tells Annie makes it back to other characters? It seems like there's some stuff that Annie would tell Kat but not Reynardine, Eglamore or Jones. For example, does Rey know about his body?

She talks in general with Kat and Reynardine, but she doesn't usually talk about stuff with the adults.

If your characters were real people, which of them would you most like to befriend?

Probably Kat. Or Jones.

Jones is some kind of Homunculus, isnt she?

that would be pretty weird.

Does Jones only have the one name, or is her full name really Jones Jones?

It's just Jones.

Does Annie remind Jones of Surma very much?

Yeah, a little.

Is Jones short for a different name?


Are there any characters you find it particularly difficult to write dialogue for (for instance is hard to have Jones phrase everything she says in such a neutral, diplomatic manner)? Any that are very easy to write for?

Annie can be pretty hard to write for. There are certain things she has to phrase in particular ways.

Is Jones Welsh? — DrBubbles


Has Jones ever laughed in her entire lifetime?

She tried it a few times.

What is Jones' last name?


Jones and Anthony seem like they have similar personalities. Did they get along or did they not really know each other?

They were acquaintances.

In an earlier question about Jones you said that it was her first name. However I've noticed that the door to her office in chapter 9 reads Ms. Jones as if it were her last name. Doesn't she have a last name or does the office belong to another Ms. Jones?

No that's her office. Some people know her as Ms. Jones.

Would Reynardine and Jones describe their relationship as "Friendship", or do they both just find the other inoffensive?

They are acquaintances.

Concerning Jones, She is older then she looks, but she might have looked like a teenager on Surma's time at the court... since James would like her to be at the photo, right?

She might have.

Okay, I'm gonna try resending my question (sorry if you already got it!) but I am wondering--roughly how old is Jones? Is she maybe older than she appears to be?

She is older than she appears.

Was there a reason that Surma couldn't stand Jones, and will we ever find out what that reason was?

Yeah there was a definite reason she didn't like her. I hope to include it in the story in the future.

When Jones says 'Parley' does it sound like "pah lee" or "par lee"?

It sounds like Parley.

Will it remain to be seen whether Annie's cunning observation of Jones' apparent reluctance to align herself with either the Court or the forest actually is irrelevant?

Can you answer that without it being first revealed in the story?

Is Jones a being created by the Court?


Does Jones have any family? Also, I can't remember if it was mentioned in the comic, but what's her first name?

Jones is her first name.

Thanks so much for creating such lovely work! I think your characters are all brilliant, but I especially love coyote. How do he and Jones get along?

That remains to be seen, I'm afraid.

Does Jones genuinely like Randy, or is she just stringing him along? What about Eglamore, does she like him?

She's not stringing him along, they are old friends. She is also friends with Eglamore.

If you could spend a pleasant afternoon with a real-life incarnation of one of your characters, who would you choose?


Would Anja fare any better than Eglamore against Jones?


Forgive me if this question has been asked before, but Outdoors and a Long Range could Eglamore stand a chance against Jones?

Well, he'd last longer because she wouldn't be able to catch him.

How much do the other students know about Annie's medium training? Do they know she goes into the Forest? Is it something they ask her about (after she reached out a bit during the residential)?

They know she has special classes with Jones sometimes but they don't really know the details.

How many hit points does Jones have?

Let me find a piece of paper long enough to write it down.

Who did Reynardine meet first, Jones or Surma?


How come Jones doesn't speak with any dialect or accent? Has this to do with the place where she grew up? (Sorry, another linguist here.)

Not exactly.

Re: "Absolutely no accent whatsoever" - But you said Jones wasn't an android! D:

Did I?

You said Jones has no accent, but surely you can't speak a language without some variety of accent. Is her speech just highly standard British English that doesn't sound like it's from anywhere in particular (except Britain)? Or maybe mid-Atlantic?

She talks with absolutely no accent whatsoever.

I'm an American reader, so I tend to picture all the characters speaking like Americans. It's kind of jarring to realize they actually speak with British accents. Are there any characters, other than Anja and Gamma, who don't speak in a British accent?

Paz is Spanish. Coyote speaks with a strange accent too, and Ysengrin just sounds angry. Jones doesn't have an accent, Donny sounds Scottish (so does Kat, but not so much). There are quite a few accents.

Is Jones an android?

That would be pretty weird.

I can't wait to find out more about Jones. I know you're not going to drop any juicy tidbits... but can you at least tell us how long will it be until we revisit that thread of the story?

Fairly "soon", actually.

Is Antimony's father related to Jones?
