Formspring search: Gunnerkrigg Court

6 matches for atheist.

Re: atheists and psychopomps, is that something that'll ever be addressed in the comic? Not specifically about atheists, I'm just curious about whether we'll learn more about how various people come to fall under a psychopomp's jurisdiction.

We shall see

If ancestry/culture/faith decides which psychopomp escorts you to the afterlife, how are atheists dealt with? Do they go at all? What about those who are open to the idea of a higher power, but not tied to a specific faith, or are unsure altogether?

They are all dealt with in one way or another

If the court staff knows that a god like Coyote is real, how could they be atheists/agnostics?

Because they believe that a powerful creature does not a god make.

Are atheists and agnostics common among Court staff?


Now that the topic has gotten me interested, what would happen with an atheist? Would they still get to choose a psychopomp or...?

It depends on the person

When they realized that magic wasn't necessary for progress and that pure science was all that was needed, did the humans who founded the court also throw away religion, becoming atheists and/or agnostics?

Quite a lot of them did yeah.